This is a simple tutorial so you can start your google glass development today. We have chosen Android Studio as our IDE.
1. Download and install Android Studio here.
2. Check for available updates after installation just in case.(If Android Studio does not run, it is most likely because you need to install java)
3. After you have installed and updated Android Studio, go to the SDK Manager.(Hint: Configure->SDK Manager)
4. In the SDK Manager, there will be some options that are already checked (these are necessary and should stay checked), you must find in the list "Android 4.4.2 (API 19)" and checkmark it then click install packages.
5. In the window that pops up, you will need to click on one of the options on the left box and click on the bubble that says accept licence and then click on install. (Hint: This may take a while)
6. If you have never done an android app, I recommend you go and do a tutorial to get your feet wet on how to programme for android.
7. To familiarize yourself with the language and structure of a Google Glass App, it is recommended to download a sample app from the google glass Github account.(Click here)
8. After you download one of these examples, unzip it and go to Android studio and open it with the "Import Project ..." option.
9. After you have imported the sample, look for "AndroidManifest.xml" in the box to the left and make sure that the the lines of code that say :
Are using the latest SDK that you have downloaded (Check the SDK manager.
10. Add <uses-permission android:name="" /> to the AndroidManifest.xml if it is not already there. (This line of code was added after the update X16 of google glass)
11. Now you can connect your Google Glass to the usb port so you can run the sample application.
12. Hit the run button. This will open a window that is for the debug configuration. Here you will select do not launch activity and under target device you will check USB device.
13. If everything went well, you should find the sample in the list of applications in your Google Glass and you can run it.
14. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have compiled and run your first Google Glass app. Study the language and structure of this and other Google Glass Samples so you can understand them and make your own applications in this new and exciting device.